Aspectos metodológicos de la investigación experimental sobre la adquisición de la lectura

Autor: Rafael Rabadán Anta, Agustín Romero Medina, Julio Sánchez Meca
Rok vydání: 1990
Zdroj: Estudios de Psicología. 11:133-149
ISSN: 1579-3699
Popis: In this paper some aspects of methodology of cognitive experimental research on reading acquisition are revieWed. After a brief analysis of some subject, aparatus and stimulus critical aspects, a taxonomy of twenty experimental tasks is proposed including procedures related with the earle processing stages, and tasks linked ro the properties of central processor. The tasks are specially devoted ro evaluate three cognitive dimensions in early reading: subskills of coding processes, the state of lexical access routes, and properties of cognitive system (such as speed and accuracy of processing strategies).
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