Optimization of Oil Production Wells Flowing Mode by Ultrasonic and Induction Systems

Autor: Denis Mikhailovich Lashchev, Ivan Victorovich Grekhov, Maxim Igorevich Kuzmin, Alexey Victorovich Dengaev, V. S. Verbitsky, Boris Victorovich Sargin, Albert Rinatovich Ahmetgaliev, K. A. Goridko, Andrey Alexandrovich Getalov
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Day 1 Mon, October 26, 2020.
Popis: The current operating conditions of the fields with a high reservoir energy potential (with a high gas factor) are characterized by the onset of a period of reduction in reservoir energy, while the total losses for raising well products from the bottom to the surface may increase. Under these conditions, operating the well in a fountain way is irrational, because the efficiency factor of the winch decreases and can be no more than 10-20%, and serial submersible pumping systems (ESP) are unstable and in most cases, they develop the well and put it into the flowing mode of the well products through the annulus. The research work has been carried out to justify the technology of acoustic impact on gas-saturated oils of various fields according to the criterion of reservoir energy potential. The flowing wells in the oil and gas condensate field have been analyzed, the dynamics of changes in the efficiency of fountain wells has been presented, and the main reasons for the decrease in the efficiency of flowing have been highlighted. The theoretical studies have been carried out in the field of acoustic methods for influencing gas-saturated oils of various fields. The laboratory samples of ultrasonic and electromagnetic emitters have been developed, with the help of which the oil properties of two fields were studied, the results of which were used in the development of conceptual models of well installations for extending the flow mode in production wells.
Databáze: OpenAIRE