Dynamic Coupling and Control Response Effects on Spacecraft Handling Qualities During Docking

Autor: Chad R. Frost, Eric R. Mueller, Karl D. Bilimoria
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets. 46:1288-1297
ISSN: 1533-6794
DOI: 10.2514/1.41924
Popis: NASA is developing a newgeneration of spacecraft to replace the Space Shuttle and return astronauts to themoon. These spacecraft will have a manual control capability for several mission tasks, and the ease and precision with which pilots can execute these tasks will have an important effect on mission risk and training costs. A simulation evaluated the handling qualities of a generic space vehicle based on dynamics similar to one of these spacecraft, NASA’s Crew Exploration Vehicle, during the last segment of the docking task with a space station. This handling qualities evaluation looked at fourdifferent translational control systems, called response types, thatmappilot inputs to thruster firings in a way that gives predictable and useful vehicle responses. These response types were flownwith three levels of translation-into-rotation dynamic coupling arising from a longitudinal offset between the reaction control system thrusters and the vehicle’s center of mass. The results indicate that greater translation-into-rotation coupling is strongly correlated with degraded handling qualities, but that different response types do not have a major effect on pilot workload, final docking performance, or handling qualities.
Databáze: OpenAIRE