Percepciones del alumnado universitario sobre el aprendizaje-servicio como herramienta para su desarrollo personal y profesional

Autor: Beatriz Macías Gómez-Estern, María José Marco Macarro, Rosa María Rodríguez Izquierdo, Virginia Martínez Lozano
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: RIDAS. Revista Iberoamericana de Aprendizaje-Servicio. :81-101
ISSN: 2339-9341
Popis: espanolEl articulo presenta una experiencia de innovacion docente desarrollada con metodologia de aprendizaje-servicio en el primer curso del Grado de Educacion Social de una universidad publica espanola. La experiencia implica a dos asignaturas llevando a cabo un servicio comunitario en un C.E.I.P. constituido como Comunidad de Aprendizaje en una zona con necesidades de transformacion social, con poblacion mayoritaria de etnia gitana. Mostramos los resultados sobre las percepciones de los estudiantes sobre los aprendizajes adquiridos durante la experiencia. Los resultados se han organizado clasificando los aprendizajes percibidos en curriculares-profesionales; sobre la realidad social; y sobre si mismos. Se analizaron tambien las valoraciones sobre la metodologia empleada. Los datos muestran que el estudiantado destaca especialmente los aprendizajes personales. Concluimos que la metodologia empleada es una buena herramienta docente generadora de motivacion por el aprendizaje y de futuros profesionales comprometidos. EnglishThis article presents a teaching innovation experience developed in the first year of a Social Education Degree at a public university in Spain, using a service-learning methodology. The experience involves two disciplines from this degree program working collaboratively and the results show students’ perceptions on the personal and professional skills they acquired. The proposal is based not only on the notion of SL as a tool for the construction of committed and active citizenship, but from the consideration of SL as a methodology able to produce authentic learning, which involves transformations that go much further than cognitive changes and affect students’ own personal construction. We have used two sets of students’ narratives: a questionnaire about their learning perceptions and another on their reflections throughout the experience. The data shows that students more emphatically refer to personal learning, followed by curricular-professional learning and finally learning about the reality. We also found that evaluation of the experience was mainly positive, pointing especially to the idea of learning by doing. We conclude that the methodology used generates in the students personal and social conceptions that go beyond what is achieved with traditional methodologies, showing that SL can be considered as an optimal teaching methodology to generate motivation for learning and commitment in future professionals.
Databáze: OpenAIRE