Morphology and development of floral shoots and organs in certain Zannichelliaceae

Autor: U. Posluszny, P. B. Tomlinson
Rok vydání: 1977
Zdroj: Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 75:21-46
ISSN: 0024-4074
DOI: 10.1111/j.1095-8339.1977.tb01477.x
Popis: Development of reproductive shoots and associated organs in Vleisia aschersoniana, Althenia filiformis, Lepilaena bilocularis and L. cylindrocarpa (Zannichelliaeeae, sensu Dumortier) has been examined using an epi-illumination technique to provide photographic documentation. Floral shoots share a similar basic developmental pattern. The vegetative shoot is terminated by a unisexual flower, but growth is continued from the axils of leaves immediately below so that fairly regular sympodia develop. Vleisia is most variable in the expression of this pattern. The flowers are simple, consisting of a single stamen or three carpels (one in Vleisia) and show marked similarity in development. Short scale-like appendages, reminiscent of a perianth, develop at the base of the stamen in Althenia and Lepilaena. An outgrowth at the tip of the connective in Lepilaena bilocularis and two at its middle part in Vleisia are initiated at late stages of stamen development. Carpels are subtended by membranous tepal-like appendages that are initiated at the same time as the carpel primordia. Each carpel primordium becomes peltate and develops a bitegmic ovule on the adaxial portion of the carpel wall which in turn overgrows the ovule and ultimately forms a long thin style with either a funnel-shaped (Vleisia, L. cylindrocarpa), peltate (L. bilocularis) or feathery (Althenia) stigma. Relationships with other Alismatales are discussed.
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