Seasonal Variability of Water and Sea-Ice Circulation in the Arctic Ocean in a High-Resolution Model

Autor: Maxim N. Kaurkin, K. V. Ushakov, Leonid Kalnitskii, R. A. Ibrayev
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 56:522-533
ISSN: 1555-628X
Popis: In this work, results of modeling the intra-annual variability of water and ice circulation in the Arctic Ocean by means of the INMIO4.1 three-dimensional model of ocean dynamics and the CICE5.1 sea-ice model are considered. The coupled ocean–ice model is implemented on massively parallel computers under the control of the CMF2.0 cosimulation software package. Results of a numerical experiment carried out according to the CORE-I protocol are presented. Geographical distributions, mean values, and intra-annual variability of the model solution characteristics describing the flow of water through key straits at the boundaries of the Arctic Ocean, propagation paths and vertical structure of the warm Atlantic water layer, and the area and volume of sea ice are analyzed. Qualitative agreement with observational and other high-resolution modeling data is obtained.
Databáze: OpenAIRE