Corrected Distributional Records for Minnesota Fishes

Autor: Carl L. Hubbs
Rok vydání: 1945
Zdroj: Copeia. 1945:13
ISSN: 0045-8511
Popis: ERRONEOUS distributional records are among the most difficult items to correct. Once published they often persist despite all contrary efforts, and even after long abandonment they may again reappear. The more often the errors have been repeated and the longer they have remained uncorrected, the more difficult it is to put the record straight. With these ideas in mind I offer several reidentifications of fishes from Minnesota. These changes restrict the assigned ranges of the species in the state. In particular, records of southern species from Lake of the Woods on the Canadian border are shown to have been based on misidentified specimens of northern kinds. These erroneous records have led to false assumptions on the routes taken by the species in the Postglacial reinvasion of northern regions (Greene, 1935). One species, Notropis percobromus (Cope), hitherto confounded with N. atherinoides, is added to the Minnesota state list, recently compiled by Eddy and Surber (1943). Thanks are due Dr. Leonard P. Schultz of the National Museum and Dr. Samuel Eddy of the University of Minnesota for the privilege of examining specimens that formed the basis of the erroneous records, and for other cooperation. Dr. Lloyd L. Smith, Jr., of the Minnesota Department of Conservation, has furnished other information and specimens. Dr. Reeve M. Bailey has furnished similar assistance.
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