Image Case: Diffuse Bowel Polyposis during Childhood

Autor: Hosam A Shoker, Mohamad H Emara, Mohamad I Radwan
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Afro-Egyptian Journal of Infectious and Endemic Diseases. 4:220-220
ISSN: 2090-7184
DOI: 10.21608/aeji.2014.17205
Popis: This eight years old female child that presented by long history of anemia and passage of fleshy tissues per anus. She was examined locally by surgeon and there was no local cause for tissue passage. On examination she was pale and showed brown pigmentations of the mucous membrane in the lower lip and cheeks and also the tongue (Figure 1 and 2). We decided to examine her by colonoscopy and there were large sized polyps (Figure 3 and 4) involving the caecum, ascending and sigmoid colon that was successfully snared and hisopathological examination described villous adenoma. Later we examined her by upper endoscopy and surprisingly showed variable sized polpyps involving the gastric corpus, antrum and also the duodenum and upper jeujenum, histopathological examination of the gastric polyps showed also villous adenoma. The polyps and pigmentation raised the probability of Peutz-Jeghers syndrome.
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