EUROCMOSHF: demonstration of a fully European supply chain for space image sensors

Autor: K. Vanwichelen, J. Van Olmen, P. De Moor, Stephane Demiguel, S. Guerrieri, Luc Haspeslagh, K. Van Esbroeck, Alexandre Ghiglione, Teva Gilbert, K. De Munck, Guy Meynants, G. Beeckman
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: International Conference on Space Optics — ICSO 2016.
Popis: Europe has currently no full supply chain of CMOS image sensors (CIS) for space use, certainly not in terms of image sensor manufacturing. Although a few commercial foundries in Europe manufacture CMOS image sensors for consumer and automotive applications, they are typically not interested in adapting their process flow to meet high-end performance specifications, mainly because the expected manufacturing volume for space imagers is extremely low.
Databáze: OpenAIRE