TOKES simulations of mitigated disruption thermal quenches in ITER

Autor: Michael Lehnen, G. Saibene, S. Pestchanyi, R.A. Pitts
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Fusion Engineering and Design. 161:111976
ISSN: 0920-3796
DOI: 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2020.111976
Popis: TOKES simulations of mixed Ne/D2 pellet injection through 1 equatorial launcher into an ITER discharge of 280 MJ thermal plasma energy was carried out. Two kinds of pellets were simulated: ‘large’, containing 1.1∙1024 D2 molecules and ‘small’ with 2.6∙1023 D2 molecules, both with various amount of Ne and correspondingly lower quantities of D to preserve the pellet size. It was found that the physics of the core energy radiation by the mixed pellet is different from that of the pure Ne pellet. In case of the mixed pellet injection, bremsstrahlung and recombination radiation make a significant contribution to the core cooling along with the Ne line radiation, the latter being the only mechanism for pure Ne pellet injection. The minimum Ne amount in the mixed pellet, which radiates more than 90 % of the core plasma energy (the threshold) has been found to be 1∙1020 Ne atoms for the large pellet and 2∙1021 atoms for the small one.
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