Les bases de la thérapie matricielle en médecine régénérative par les RGTA® : du fondamental à la chirurgie plastique

Autor: Stephanie Garcia-Filipe, G. Zakine, D. Barritault
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Annales de Chirurgie Plastique Esthétique. 55:413-420
ISSN: 0294-1260
Popis: Cells present continuous renewal, permitting permanent regeneration which is called tissue homeostasis. The signaling protein, known as growth factors, cytokines, interleukins and chemokines, but also the extracellular matrix play a key role in the cellular communication. All processes are deregulated after tissue injury, inducing scars. By reconstituting the extracellular matrix, it is possible to avoid the development of scar and to favorize the regeneration of the injured tissue. Glycosaminoglycans, and particularly heparan sulfates, by participating to the extracellular matrix structure, are implicated in cellular communication. This article describes how, by creating heparan sulfate mimetic or Regenerating Agent (RGTA), a French academic team has demonstrated that mammals have the ability to regenerate, by restoring the proper cellular micro-environment. After a first clinical development in two severe and chronic pathologies (corneal and skin ulcers), we show now the potential of these agents in plastic and reconstructive surgery, to regulate fibrosis and to enhance speed and quality of tissue healing.
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