Charge–mass sum rules for unified spinor fields in extradimensions and the prediction for the existence of tachyon quarks and tachyon leptons

Autor: Tran Thanh Dung, Nguyen Mong Giao, Dao Vong Duc
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Modern Physics Letters A. 34:1950130
ISSN: 1793-6632
Popis: Within the framework of the mechanism proposed in our previous works [Duc and Giao, J. Mod. Phys. 5, 477 (2014); Duc et al., Int. J. Theor. Phys. 54, 1071 (2015); Duc and Giao, Int. J. Theor. Phys. 55, 959 (2016)] for mass and charge creation, we consider the charge and mass spectrum of spinor fields in extradimensions. It is shown that a single spinor field in spacetime with extradimensions corresponds to a set of effective spinor fields in ordinary four-dimensional spacetime with charges and masses obeying the sum rules dictated from some specific assumptions related to the compactification of extradimensions. The obtained results allow us to present an example for unifying six existing flavor quarks, as well as for unifying three existing lepton generators. On the base of the derived charge–mass sum rules, we would predict the existence of some hidden tachyon quarks with fractional charges, as well as some hidden tachyon leptons, neutral or negative charged.
Databáze: OpenAIRE