A Simple Extension to Finite Tree Automata for Defining Sets of Labeled, Connected Graphs

Autor: Daniel Průša, Akio Fujiyoshi
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Implementation and Application of Automata ISBN: 9783030236786
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-23679-3_10
Popis: This paper introduces spanning tree automata (ST automata) usable for defining sets of labeled, connected graphs. The automata are simply obtained by extending ordinary top-down finite tree automata for labeled, ordered trees. It is shown that ST automata can define any finite set of labeled, connected graphs, and also some subclasses of infinite sets of graphs that can represent the structure of chemical molecules. Although the membership problem for ST automata is NP-complete, an efficient software was developed which supports a practical use of ST automata in chemoinformatics as well as in other fields.
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