Treatment of fractures of the neck of the femur in children

Autor: Yasuhide Matsunaga, Tatsuro Yamauchi, Makoto Taira, Shigeaki Kawashima, Takahisa Nishikido, Kazuhiko Momosaki
Rok vydání: 1985
Zdroj: Orthopedics & Traumatology. 33:627-631
ISSN: 1349-4333
DOI: 10.5035/nishiseisai.33.627
Popis: The results of the treatment of six children with fractures of the neck of the femur are reviewed. Three cases were Type-II fractures and three were Type-III fractures. Four of the six cases had displaced fractures and from these, two cases with displaced Type-II fractures underwent an operation for open reduction and internal fixation. The other four cases were treated with skeletal traction or plaster spica casts. Four cases achieved good results, one fair, but the other one was por. This poor result was due to other traumatic injuries. One Type-II fracture had avrscular necrosis and premature epiphyseal closure. Coxa vara was found in two of the cases with displaced fractures. We think, undisplaced Type-II and Type-III fractures are best treated with conservative therapy.
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