Pelatihan Digitalisasi Pembelajaran IPA Berbasis STEM pada MGMP Guru IPA Kota Semarang

Autor: Aji Saputra, Luthfiyatul Lissaadah, Melissa Salma Darmawan, Novi Ratna Dewi, Muhamad Taufiq, Arif Widiyatmoko
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Journal of Community Empowerment. 2:47-53
ISSN: 2798-5997
Popis: Tujuan pengabdian ini adalah memberikan pelatihan tentang digitalisasi pembelajaran IPA berbasis STEM kepada MGMP guru IPA Kota Semarang, Indonesia. Pelatihan dilakukan melalui penyampaian materi-materi serta praktik dan implementasi nyata oleh para guru terkait digitalisasi pembelajaran IPA berbasis STEM. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah pemaparan materi oleh pengabdi, diskusi berupa tanya jawab, pendampingan pelatihan, mendemonstrasikan dan praktik secara langsung digitalisasi pembelajaran IPA berbasis STEM. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian yaitu dapat meningkatkan pemahaman digitalisasi pembelajaran IPA berbasis STEM dan respons peserta terhadap pelatihan adalah positif. Rata-rata pretest pemahaman digitalisasi pembelajaran IPA berbasis STEM peserta sebelum adanya pelatihan adalah 61,04%, sedangkan setelah pelatihan meningkat menjadi 90,73%. Peserta memiliki respons positif terhadap aspek kelayakan materi maupun aspek penyajian pelatihan dengan skor rata-rata persentase sebesar 93,33%. Simpulan dari kegiatan ini adalah kegiatan telah berlangsung dengan baik dan meningkatkan pemahaman guru tentang digitalisasi pembelajaran IPA berbasis STEM. Abstract. The purpose of this community service is to provide training on the digitization of STEM-based science learning to science teachers group in Semarang, Indonesia. The training is carried out through the delivery of materials as well as real practice and implementation by teachers related to the digitization of STEM-based science learning. The method used in this community service is the presentation of material by the community service members, discussions in the form of questions and answers, training assistance, demonstrations and practice of digitizing STEM-based science learning. The results of this community service were able to increase understanding of the digitization of STEM-based science learning and the participant's response to the training was positive. The average pretest understanding of STEM-based science learning digitization of participants before the training was 61.04%, while after the training it increased to 90.73%. Participants had a positive response to the aspects of material feasibility and aspects of training presentation with an average percentage score of 93.33%. The conclusion of this study is the activity has been going well and has increased teachers' understanding of the digitalization of STEM-based science learning.
Databáze: OpenAIRE