About the Mathematics of Division: Implications for Students With Disabilities

Autor: Teresa E. Foley, John F. Cawley
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: Exceptionality. 11:131-149
ISSN: 1532-7035
Popis: The general purpose of this article is to highlight many of the components of the mathematics of division. These elements (e.g., identity elements, such as when a number is divided by 1, etc.) should be integral to any curriculum and instructional practice and they should be explicitly addressed to assure students an opportunity to learn. In highlighting these components, we differentiate between knowing about division and doing division. Our expectancy is that those who provide programming to students with disabilities will also recognize that programs in mathematics must address 2 factors. First, the program must assure that the students will attain high levels of competency in knowing about mathematics and in doing mathematics. Second, the program must utilize the principles, skills, and activities of mathematics to provide students with disabilities with experiences that will enhance their overall development in areas such as language comprehension, cognition, social-personal functioning, and independ...
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