Den salutogena modellen och användning av KASAM-formuläret i omvårdnadsforskning — en metodredovisning

Autor: Ann Langius, Hjördis Björvell
Rok vydání: 1996
Zdroj: Nordic Journal of Nursing Research. 16:28-32
ISSN: 2057-1593
DOI: 10.1177/010740839601600106
Popis: This paper presents psychometrical properties of the Swedish version of the Sense of Coherence (SOC) scale. The concept sense of coherence is proposed to explain successful coping with stressors and as being a stable trait of the individual. The stronger the SOC, the more successful coping and the more likely one is to have better health and quality of life. The data in this study has been obtained from five groups of healthy individuals and eight patient groups. The scores of the SOC scale did not change over time when studied after two, 12 and 18 months respectively. Weaker sense coherence was correlated to more self-rated anxiety, functional limitations especially those of a psychosocial character, and severe perception of symptoms, and to worse self-rated general health, and less motivation. It is suggested that the SOC scale could be of clinical use in assessing the need for nursing care.
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