Multiprocessor based architecture for on-line condition monitoring of transformers

Autor: Suraj Pardeshi, Rohit Kumar Arora, UmaMahesh Pasumarthi, Ramakant Mahajan
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: 2012 IEEE International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis.
DOI: 10.1109/cmd.2012.6416258
Popis: Transformer is one of the vital and costliest components of electrical industry. On-line monitoring is the best solution to prevent the loss of capital. This paper attempts to discuss the product developed which is combination of on-line monitoring and control of power transformer. With this architecture early detection of most of major fault is feasible; it is also possible to monitor most of the critical parts (that affects the health of transformer) with single product. Along with the health monitoring it also provide automatic voltage regulation (AVR) feature. Product also includes features like, oscillo-graphic data storage, real time fault analysis, event information and life estimation. The paper also describes multiprocessor hardware architecture designed to achieve real time information.
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