Penggunaan Reduplikasi Dalam Novel Matahari Karya Tere Liye

Autor: null Maimunah, Misra Nofrita, Delia Putri
Rok vydání: 2022
ISSN: 2829-1379
DOI: 10.56313/jlr.v1i1.106
Popis: This study aims to describe use reduplication the novel Matahari by Tere Live in terms types reduplication and the meaning reduplication. The results this study are as follows. The types reduplication found in this study have four types, namely a) complete reduplication, found 94 data; b) partial reduplication, found 2 data, c) affixed reduplication was divided into four, namely prefix affixed, 24 data found, middle affix, 4 data found, suffixed, 8 combined data affixed, 6 data found d) voice copy reduplication, found 5 data. Meanwhile, the meaning of reduplication found is as follows: (1) meaning states that there are 71 data found; (2) meaning of stating type found 3 data (3) meaning of stating repeatedly, found 25 data; (4) meaning stated that 7 data were found, (5) meaning stated the most, 3 data were found, (6) meaning stated although, 5 data were found; (7) meaning stating the subject, found 5 data, (8) meaning stating affirmation, found 26 data. The conclusion this research is that there is a form duplication and both meanings are complete, partially copied and affixed. Meanwhile, the most dominant form reduplication is complete reduplication as many as 94 and most dominant meaning is stating many, namely 71
Databáze: OpenAIRE