Inocybe kusadasiensis Kaygusuz & Bandini & Çelik 2022, sp. nov

Autor: Kaygusuz, Oğuzhan, Bandini, Ditte, Çelik, Ali
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7257876
Popis: Inocybe kusadasiensis Kaygusuz & Bandini sp. nov. (Figs. 3–5) MycoBank: — MB843681 Holotype: — TURKEY. Aydın Province: Kuşadası district, around Davutlar, on soil under Pinus brutia, 37°42′58″N, 27°16′55″E, alt. 67 m, 10 March 2020, leg. O. Kaygusuz, OKA-TR1796; GenBank: ON 180687 for nrITS. Diagnosis:— Inocybe kusadasiensis has a brown to dark brown pileus, fibrillose pileus surface, a stipe covered by metuloid caulocystidia over entire length, but very sparsely so on the lower half, smooth basidiospores measuring on average 10.0 × 6.6 μm, mostly long narrowly fusiform to narrowly lageniform, often (sub)capitate pleurocystidia, measuring on average. 85 × 13 µm and very long caulocystidia. By these combined characteristics as well as by nrITS sequence data I. kusadasiensis differs from all other Inocybe species, including the related I. muricellata. Etymology:— Referring to Kuşadası district of Aydın Province, Turkey, where this species was first discovered. Description:— Pileus 10–18 mm diam, when young campanulate-convex, then conico-convex or plano-convex with evident umbo at maturity, brown to dark brown all over, somewhat paler to straw yellowish around the centre because of faint and fugitive remnants of a velipellis; surface at first minutely tomentose, later radially fibrillose all over, not hygrophanous. Lamellae subdistant (L = ca. 35–45, l = 1–3), rather thick, adnexed, ventricose, golden beige, ochraceous brownish, to brown; edge even and concolorous. Stipe 20–25 × 1.5–2.0 mm, equal, without bulb, solid, at first covered by pale shiny tomentum, later longitudinally floccose-striate or glabrous, entirely dark brown with or without faint reddish hue beneath the tomentum, pruinose mainly in the upper part, but sparsely also in the lower part. Context light brown or whitish in pileus and stipe. Smell weakly subspermatic. Taste indistinct. Basidiospores (8.0‒)8.2‒11.9(‒13.0) × (5.5‒)5.9‒7.3(‒8.3) μm (n = 80 of 2 coll.), L m × W m = 10.0 × 6.6 μm, Q = (‒1.2)1.4‒1.7(‒1.9), Q m = 1.5, ellipsoid to oblong or amygdaliform, often guttulate, smooth, thick-walled, pale brown in 3% KOH. Basidia 34‒45 × 8‒12 μm, generally 4-spored, rarely 2-spored. Pleurocystidia numerous, (64‒)70‒95(‒ 105) × (10‒)11‒16(‒18) μm (n = 50 of 2 coll.), L m × W m = 85 × 13 μm, Q = (‒4.6)5.0‒7.8(‒8.2), Q m = 6.4, mostly long and narrowly fusiform to narrowly lageniform, usually with a narrow neck and often with a subcapitate to capitate apex, narrow at the base; apex crystalliferous or not; usually with only short pedicel; walls up to 4.5 μm thick near the apex, intensely yellow-green in 3% KOH. Lamella edge sterile. Cheilocystidia moderately abundant, (34‒)40‒72(‒82) × (12‒)14‒22(‒23) μm (n = 50 of 2 coll.), L m × W m = 56 × 18 μm, Q = (‒1.7)2.2‒4.0(‒5.4), Q m = 3.2, lageniform to broadly lageniform with a subcapitate to pointed apex, with a short narrow pedicel or roundish to broadly truncate base, occasionally fusiform to broadly fusiform; apex crystalliferous or not; walls up to 4.0 μm thick, intensely yellowgreen in 3% KOH. Paracystidia frequent, (17‒)25‒53(‒58) × (9‒)10‒17(‒19) μm (n = 30 of 2 coll.), L m × W m = 37 × 14 μm, Q m = 2.7, narrowly to broadly clavate, thin-walled. Caulocystidia in the upper part of stipe, sparsely also in the lower part, (75‒)85‒100(‒110) × (11‒)13‒20(‒28) μm (n = 30 of 2 coll.), L m × W m = 89 × 16 μm, Q m = 5.8, narrowly fusiform to narrowly lageniform to cylindrical, often with a long narrow neck and a subcapitate apex, without or with short pedicel, thick-walled, with yellow-green wall in 3% KOH. Cauloparacystidia numerous, occurring in clusters, (20‒)25‒68(‒77) × (7‒)9‒26(‒33) μm (n = 30 of 2 coll.), L m × W m = 45 × 17 μm, Q m = 2.7, mostly clavate to broadly clavate, sometimes oblong or cylindrical, thin-walled. Clamp connections present in all examined tissues. Habit, habitat and distribution: —Solitary or in small groups, on the ground in forests, under Pinus brutia, mainly in coastal areas, from the Aegean part of the Western Turkey. So far only known from the type locality in Aydın Province, Turkey. Possibly also in Italy (see discussion). Additional materials examined: — TURKEY. Aydın Province: Kuşadası district, around Davutlar, on soil under Pinus brutia, 37°42′56″N, 27°16′55″E, alt. 65 m, 25 February 2022, leg. O. Kaygusuz (OKA-TR1797, GenBank: ON 180688 – nrITS); ibid., under P. brutia, 37°42′50″N, 27°16′58″E, alt. 50 m, 05 March 2022, leg. O. Kaygusuz (OKA-TR1798).
Databáze: OpenAIRE