Analysis of Modern Approaches to Optimizing Traffic Control Systems

Autor: Natalia Shatalova, Arseny M. Sazanov, Elena N. Benderskaya, Svyatoslav A. Seliverstov, Olga Yu. Lukomskaya, Kirill Nikitin
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: 2021 XXIV International Conference on Soft Computing and Measurements (SCM).
DOI: 10.1109/scm52931.2021.9507147
Popis: The existing topical problems caused by the development of vehicles and increased mobility of the population are analyzed. the relevance of this analysis of modern methods of intelligent control of traffic control systems. The analysis of publications and scientific works related to the considered research topic is carried out. Modern methods and approaches of traffic light objects control are analyzed. In accordance with the structural and functional features of intersections, an approach is proposed that allows you to quickly and visually orient the researcher of a transport worker when solving problems of optimization of traffic light objects.
Databáze: OpenAIRE