Identifier et résoudre les dilemmes de la stratégie ouverte

Autor: Thierry Nobre, Didier Grandclaude
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Revue Française de Gestion. 47:15-39
ISSN: 1777-5663
Popis: EnglishAs research work on Open Strategy (OS) is in its infancy, this research analyzes the dilemmas arising from increasing inclusion and transparency in the process of analysis and strategic thinking. For nearly a year, the researchers supported the managers and 40 employees of a Mid Cap Company through all the stages of developing and formulating their strategic plan in an open and highly participatory mode. This privileged position for observing a classically confidential organizational phenomenon makes it possible to identify, by mobilizing the theoretical framework of Hautz et al. (2017), the main difficulties that mark out an Open Strategy (OS) approach. In addition to identifying these dilemmas, the results of this research develop several contributions. They provide an empirical, dynamic and engineering vision of OS, the implications of which are concrete. This research allows managers to be alerted to the risks of OS and their precise times of onset. Above all, it develops practical solutions to anticipate and avoid them, by mobilizing methodological devices and management rules already experienced with the various actors of the OS approach in the Mid Cap Company observed. francaisLes travaux de recherche sur la Strategie Ouverte (SO) etant emergents, cette recherche analyse les dilemmes decoulant de l’augmentation de l’inclusion et de la transparence dans la reflexion strategique. Durant pres d’un an, les auteurs accompagnent les acteurs d’une ETI dans l’ensemble des etapes d’elaboration de leur plan strategique en mode ouvert. Cette position privilegiee d’observateur permet d’identifier les principaux risques et difficultes qui jalonnent une demarche de SO. Pour les managers, des solutions concretes sont developpees pour anticiper et eviter ces obstacles, par la mobilisation de dispositifs methodologiques deja experimentes dans l’ETI observee.
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