Autor: Isabel Martínez Cordellat, Emilio Monte Boquet, Inés Cánovas Olmos, Carmen Nájera Herranz, Elena Grau García, Antonio Luis García Cebrián, Jose Eloy Oller Rodríguez, Cristobal Pávez Perales, José Luis Poveda Andrés, José Ivorra Cortés, Jorge Juan Fragio-Gil, José Andrés Román Ivorra, Rosa Negueroles Albuixech, Inmaculada Chalmeta Verdejo, Luis Gonzalez Puig, Francisco Miguel Ortiz Sanjuan, Roxana Gonzalez Mazario, Cristina Alcañiz Escandell, Marta De la Rubia Navarro, Elvira Vicens Bernabeu
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Abstracts Accepted for Publication.
Popis: Background: The absence of therapy adherence is a public health problem and leads to negative consequences in inflammatory chronic diseases. The measurement of therapy adherence has demonstrated effectiveness on the improvement of compliance, but it is difficult to estimate because it is based on indirect measurements. With high probability there will be discrepancies between different measurements. Objectives: To estimate the discrepancies between therapy adherence controlled by prescription of medication, Morisky-Green test and self-perception adherence patients under biological subcutaneous treatment or under JAKinhibs oral treatment. Methods: Observational study including inflammatory chronic disease patients under biological subcutaneous treatment or under JAKinhibs oral treatment, selected consecutively. We performed a preliminary stage where patients were contacted by telephone and after that the questionnarie was sent to the email address they provided. The questionnaire included Morisky-Green test and a self-perception adherence scale (0-10). Data about dispensation of medication was collected from the pharmacy service. We defined as “adherent patient” a dispensation rate over 80%. Results: 54 patients were contacted, and 37 of them full-filled the questionnaire. 28 full-filled the online questionnaire but the other 9 preferred the paper format. The patients from the online format questionnaire had a mean age of 50.86 years (range 22-74), and patients of paper format questionnaire had a mean age of 61.38 years (38-71). We observed a high proportion of patients with university studies among those who preferred the online format. 21 of the patients surveyed had rheumatoid arthritis, 7 psoriatic arthritis, 7 ankylosing spondylitis and 1 juvenile idiopathic arthritis. 21 were under subcutaneous biological therapies and 16 under oral JAKinhibitor therapies. From the 37 patients, 64.8% took 2 or more pills daily. among the 37 surveyed patients a discrepancy between therapy adherence controlled by dispensation of medication and adherence by Morisky-Green was observed (94.6% vs 72.97%, P among the analyzed factors which may affect the therapy adherence, the oral route of administration showed more adherence rate controlled by dispensation of medication (P=0.019) and with Morisky-Green adherence rate (P=0.016). No other association with other factors as age, gender or time of disease evolution was observed. Conclusion: Younger patients and those with university studies preferred to full-fill the online questionnaire. A discrepancy between therapy adherence controlled by dispensation of medication and adherence by Morisky-Green was observed. Moreover oral route of treatment showed more therapy adherence than subcutaneous route of treatment. Even if the patients are no self-considered as 100% adherents (Morisky-Green), a tendency of collect the medication on a regular basis was observed. This seems to indicate that instead of the controlled dispensation of medication by Pharmacy, patients with lower therapy adherence will collect all the medication. Disclosure of Interests: None declared
Databáze: OpenAIRE