Waveguide-dielectric filters based on cross-shaped waveguides

Autor: M. E. Ilchenko, A. G. Yushchenko, V. V. Popov, S. F. Shibalkin
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: International Conference on Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves and Applications 1994.
DOI: 10.1117/12.2303317
Popis: The cross shape of the cut-off wavegulde cross-section enables to fix the E- and H-planes dielectric inserts or resonance sizes by means of projections. The quartz and leucosapphire monocrystals are used as die- lectric material for designing band-pass filters of millimetric wave band, thus ensuring the inserts geometric dimensions sufficient for manufacturing process and unloaded Q of the working types of electromag- netic modes excited in the insert. The paper shows the results or calcu- lating and designing 8-millimeter wave-band filters on the basis or cross-shape cut-off waveguldes partially filled with leucosapphire mono- crystal in the E-plane of the wavegulde.
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