Intersecting Identities and Racial and Ethnic Minority in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Youth

Autor: Veenod L. Chulani
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Promoting Health Equity Among Racially and Ethnically Diverse Adolescents ISBN: 9783319972046
Popis: LGBT youth who are also members of non-dominant racial and ethnic groups must develop both their sexual and racial/ethnic identities as they develop their overall adult identity. As members of dually marginalized groups, youth may encounter stigma at multiple levels, which can profoundly influence their identity formation, lived experiences, and life trajectories. Clinicians caring for racial and ethnic minority LGBT youth have the opportunity to create an affirming environment and explore these specific influences with youth in clinical encounters. This chapter offers a closer look at sexual and racial/ethnic identity development as individual, concurrent, and intersecting processes. It examines sexual stigma, racism, and its impact on racial and ethnic minority LGBT populations. Additionally, it proposes a strength-based clinical approach based on emerging research in the area of resiliency that focuses on youths’ strengths as part of an overall strategy to promote youth development and positive outcomes for racial and ethnic minority LGBT youth.
Databáze: OpenAIRE