Model chain from microscale meteorological simulation to building simulation for spatially resolved heat resilience evaluation

Autor: Christoph Schünemann, Astrid Ziemann, Valeri Goldberg, Stefanie Kunze
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: To assess the heat resilience of buildings in urban development we designed a model chain approach from microscale meteorological simulations, resolving the spatial influences on urban climate, to building performance simulations, evaluating the indoor overheating risk in a building. In this context, the question arises how realistic the microscale meteorological simulation input is and how it affects the indoor comfort. Therefore, we applied the 3D urban climate model ENVI-met and the 1D boundary layer model HIRVAC for two urban districts in Germany as meteorological input for the indoor comfort evaluation of two representative buildings. The results demonstrate that ENVI-met simulations without using measured temperature data create unrealistically low diurnal variations in outdoor air temperature despite an overestimated solar irradiance. The implementation to building simulation leads to a tremendous overestimation of the indoor overheating intensity in both buildings and to wrong conclusions about the efficacy of passive heat adaptation measures. In contrast, the HIRVAC simulations show a more realistic representation of the selected meteorological boundary conditions. Our findings demonstrate that an adjusted boundary layer representation in microscale meteorological simulations is crucial to provide meteorological input suitable for indoor overheating analysis.
Databáze: OpenAIRE