The temporal brightening of Uranus’ northern polar hood from HST/WFC3 & HST/STIS observations

Autor: Arjuna James, Patrick G.J. Irwin, Jack Dobinson, Michael H. Wong, Troy K. Tsubota, Amy Simon, Leigh N Fletcher, Michael Thomas Roman, Nicholas Teanby, Daniel Toledo, Glenn S Orton
Rok vydání: 2023
DOI: 10.22541/essoar.168500322.24767923/v1
Popis: Hubble Space Telescope Wide-Field Camera 3 (HST/WFC3) observations spanning 2015 to 2021 confirm a brightening of Uranus’ north polar hood feature with time. The vertical aerosol model of Irwin et al. (2023) (IRW23), consisting of a deep haze layer based at ~5 bar, a 1 - 2 bar haze layer, and an extended haze rising up from the 1 - 2 bar layer, was applied to retrievals on HST Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (HST/STIS) observations (Sromovsky et al., 2014, 2019} revealing a reduction in cloud-top CH4 by an average of 0.19 {plus minus} 0.03% between 40 - 80{degree sign}N between 2012 and 2015. A combination of latitudinal retrievals on the HST/WFC3 & HST/STIS datasets, again employing the IRW23 model, reveal a temporal thickening of the 1 - 2 bar haze layer to be the main cause of the polar hood brightening, finding an average increase of 1.09 {plus minus} 0.08 at 0.8 μm north of ~45{degree sign}N, concurrent with a decrease in the imaginary refractive index spectrum of the 1 - 2 bar haze layer north of ~40{degree sign}N and longwards of ~0.7 μm, and between 60{degree sign}N and 80{degree sign}N at ~0.5 μm. Small contributions to the brightening were found from a thickening of the deep aerosol layer, with an average increase in integrated opacity of 0.6 {plus minus} 0.1 north of 45{degree sign}N between 2012 and 2015, and from the aforementioned decrease in cloud-top CH4 abundance. Our results are consistent with the slowing of a meridional circulation, exhibiting strong subsidence at the poles.
Databáze: OpenAIRE