Varia Cum Vă (Mai) Place Shakespeare? Dramaturgi Români Sub Semnul Bardului: Marin Sorescu, Matei ViȘniec, Olivia Negrean

Autor: Ioana Petcu
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Lucian Blaga Yearbook. 22:98-111
ISSN: 2601-7776
DOI: 10.2478/clb-2021-0010
Popis: Three plays, three styles, three testimonies about the artist and the space of art of performance, from the ‘80s until today, three decentralizing visions, but also tangents. Vărul Shakespeare (Cousin Shakespeare) is one of Marin Sorescu’s lesser-known and hardly-edited texts. Beyond the inter- and metatextual juggling, beyond the playful discourse and the theatrical effects, the Romanian writer emphasizes the encounter between the language of Elizabethan poetry and the local comic. Richard III visits director Vsevolod Meyerhold in Richard al III-lea se interzice (Richard III is forbidden) by Matei Vişniec. Like a self-portrait, perhaps, of the author slipped into Meyerhold’s character, the play returns - through paradoxes, theatricality, intersections between times, cultures and authorial voices - to a message as clear as possible about the artist’s freedom, a message that (proof being the current global situation) the aforementioned aspects are of a continuous topicality.
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