High-Frequency Spectral Energy Map Estimation Based Gait Analysis System Using a Depth Camera for Pathology Detection

Autor: Max Mignotte, Didier Ndayikengurukiye
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Lecture Notes in Computer Science ISBN: 9783319415000
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-41501-7_5
Popis: This paper presents a new and simple gait analysis system, from a depth camera placed in front of a subject walking on a treadmill, capable of detecting a healthy gait from an impaired one. Our system relies on the fact that a normal or healthy walk typically exhibits a smooth motion (depth) signal, at each pixel with less high-frequency spectral energy content than an impaired or abnormal walk. Thus, the estimation of a map showing the location and the amplitude of the high-frequency spectral energy (HFSE), for each subject, allows clinicians to visually quantify and localize the different impaired body parts of the patient and to quickly detect a possible disease. Even if the HFSE maps obtained are clearly intuitive for a rapid clinical diagnosis, the proposed system makes an automatic classification between normal gaits and those who are not with success rates ranging from 88.23 % to 92.15 %.
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