'Shields': A Model for Hazard-Oriented Analysis and Implementation of IoT Applications

Autor: Nir Mashkif, Lior Limonad, Dean Haber, Fabiana Fournier
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: ICIOT
Popis: We introduce a generic model for the articulation of hazard-centric enterprise IoT applications around the key concept of a "Shield". This model is the basis for the family of IoT solutions we are developing and refining for real-life client engagements in areas such as occupational safety, personal wellness, and home insurance. The new "Shields" model provides the key concepts needed to design and develop hazard-oriented IoT applications. The basic functionality of each such application is driven by identifying hazards in the relevant application environment. This paper includes a detailed description of the "Shields" model as a result of the development of several IoT applications, while adhering to a hazard-oriented perspective. We also describe the current support tool developed, concluding with lessons learned and future aims to further establish model robustness and effectiveness.
Databáze: OpenAIRE