Humidity parameters from temperature: test of a simple methodology for European conditions

Autor: Viel Ødegaard, David Simpson, Yvonne Andersson-Sköld
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: International Journal of Climatology. 28:961-972
ISSN: 1097-0088
DOI: 10.1002/joc.1586
Popis: Atmospheric water content is important for local and regional climate, and for chemical processes of soluble and solute species in the atmosphere. Further, vapour pressure deficit (D) is one of the key controls on the opening of stomata in plants and is thus an important force for evapotransporation, plant respiration and biomass production and for the uptake of harmful pollutants such as ozone through the stomata. Most meteorological stations typically measure both temperature and relative humidity (RH). However, even if recorded at finer time resolution, it is usually the daily or often monthly means of RH which are published in climate reports. Unfortunately, such data cannot be used to obtain the changes in RH or vapour pressure deficit over the day, as this depends strongly on the diurnal temperature variation during the day and not upon the mean temperature. Although RH typically changes significantly over the day, the ambient vapour pressure is often remarkably constant. Here a simple method to estimate diurnal vapour pressure is evaluated, based upon an assumed constant vapour pressure, and that recorded minimum temperatures approximate dew-point temperatures. With a knowledge of only temperature, we will show that day to day estimates of vapour pressure, humidity and especially D, can be made with reasonable accuracy. This methodology is tested using meteorological data from 32 sites covering a range of locations in Europe. Such a simple methodology may be used to extract approximate diurnal curves of vapour pressures from published meteorological data which contains only minimum temperatures for each day, or where humidity data are not available. Copyright © 2007 Royal Meteorological Society
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