
Autor: 郭素娥 Meng-Chuan Huang, 金惠民 Su-Er Guo, 楊志偉 Chiao-Yi Chang
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: 醫療品質雜誌. 17:050-058
ISSN: 1994-5795
DOI: 10.53106/199457952023051703008
Popis: 可信賴專業活動(entrustable professional activities, EPAs)是將多種核心能力整合成專業任務,可應用於醫療職場教學訓練,以信賴等級作為能力進展依據,供臨床工作授權參考。此專案針對接受衛福部二年期營養師訓練課程之新進營養師,建置教學醫院新進營養師EPAs。來自全國教學醫院臨床營養及營養學專家,以名義團體法進行共識及投票,建置七項EPA任務及其對應核心能力架構。EPAs任務為「住院病人常見疾病營養照護」、「門診病人常見慢性疾病營養照護」、「重症單位營養照護」、「醫院膳食盤餐督餐作業」、「盤餐膳食設計與食材成本管理」、「疾病飲食營養團體衛教」及「住宿型長照機構個案營養照護」。EPAs建立可將能力進展轉化為臨床營養工作授權,促進營養醫療照護品質提升。 Entrustable professional activities (EPAs) involve the integration of a variety of core competencies into professional practice tasks, and they can be applied for learning and training in the medical workplace. Supervision levels can help guide the development of competencies and are referenced for clinical work authorization. This paper describes the development of EPAs for entry-level dietitians in a postgraduate clinical training program established by the Ministry of Health and Welfare at teaching hospitals in Taiwan. Clinical instructors in dietetics and nutrition experts from across Taiwan were invited to participate in a consensus development conference, and the nominal group technique was employed to develop profession-specific EPAs. This project established seven EPAs, namely, nutritional care for inpatients with common diseases, nutritional care for outpatients with common chronic diseases, nutritional care in critical care units, hospital plate-meal preparation and supervision, meal design and cost management, group education for disease-specific nutrition, and nutritional care in residential long-term-care institutions. The establishment of EPAs can help transform such competencies into criteria for the authorization of clinical nutrition work in teaching hospitals and may enhance the quality of nutritional medical services.  
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