Edukasi Peningkatan Nilai Ekonomi Limbah Minyak Goreng Bekas Pakai Melalui Pembuatan Lilin Aromateraphy

Autor: Arjuna Adi Pratama, Eka Novita Sari, Bekti Widyaningsih, Mar’atul Fahimah, Khotim Fadhli
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Jumat Ekonomi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat. 2:175-180
ISSN: 2774-6755
Popis: This community service aims to educate partners to increase the economic value of used cooking oil waste into aromatherapy candles so that it leads to a productive economy. Assistance to people who have used a lot of cooking oil in their cooking process plays a strong role in building human resources and quality Indonesian products towards Advanced Indonesia. The priority of partner issues is that there are no products that are produced and become selling points that can lift the partner's economy, due to the lack of knowledge about making aromatherapy candles, especially those that use waste materials. The implementation method in this service is Community Based Research, which is a design that takes place in a community environment and involves community members in the design and implementation of research projects, shows respect for the successful contributions made by community partners, and respects the "no harm" principle for the communities involved. . So that this activity makes: first, improving skills in making products made from used cooking oil waste which becomes aromatherphy candles. Second, increasing awareness of maintaining environmental cleanliness and health and the dangers of disposing of used cooking oil waste carelessly. Third, improving the household economy by selling aromatherapy candles made from used cooking oil waste. Keywords: Education; Waste Cooking Oil, Aromatherapy Candle
Databáze: OpenAIRE