Effect of milk temperature and flow on the adherence of Staphylococcus epidermidis to stainless steel in amounts capable of biofilm formation

Autor: Vladimir Babak, Petr Roubal, Dana Cervinkova, Jarmila Schlegelová, Elleni Michu, M. Holasová, H. Vlkova, Zoran Jaglic
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Dairy Science & Technology. 91:361-372
ISSN: 1958-5594
Popis: The adherence of microorganisms to surfaces is a critical precondition for biofilm development. In this study, we evaluated the adherence (in amounts capable of biofilm formation) of Staphylococcus epidermidis in milk to stainless steel. During a 6-h time frame, the effect of milk temperature and laminar flow on adherence was analysed. In amounts capable of biofilm formation, the cells adhered within 0.5 h; however, at the milk temperatures promoting cell growth (25 and 28 °C), the cells proceeded to detach from the surface when bacteria started to grow (after 2 h), but only during the milk flow. When the temperatures were below the growth limit (6 and 22 °C) or under static conditions, the cells remained attached during the whole monitoring period. This study showed that temperatures which are suboptimal for growth and static conditions support the adhesion S. epidermidis in amounts capable of biofilm formation. On the contrary, at temperatures allowing the growth, adhered cells of S. epidermidis can easily be washed away from the stainless steel surface when bacteria begin to grow.
Databáze: OpenAIRE