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新冠肺炎於2020年爆發初期,臺灣管控相對得宜,中華職棒於4月以閉門比賽搶先全球開打,並於Twitter進行英語直播,吸引美日等地球迷關注。本研究探討2020年臺灣職棒於疫情中開打後,與象徵臺灣公衛的疫情控制成就互相結合,構成「新冠國族主義」。媒體國族論述將職棒賽事與防疫成就視為國族驕傲,藉由翻譯外電及外國球評推文,強調全世界「看見臺灣」。再者,「中職改名」論戰,反映了臺灣社會內部的國族認同之衝突。最後,疫情期間的國族論述複製全球化的世界體系,以美國與日本棒球作為標準。臺灣的新冠國族主義論述與其他國家的種族歧視與排外情緒有明顯差異,強調職棒與防疫作為國族之光,並作為全球危機中受到國際社會承認與接納的具體象徵。 Since Taiwan controlled well against the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in beginning of 2020, the Chinese Professional Baseball League in Taiwan (CPBL) was able to hold ball games without attendance in April and became the “only” professional baseball season in the world at that time. The CPBL launched live English-language broadcast on Twitter to attract sports fans from the U.S., Japan, and the rest of the world. This paper critically examined the “coronationalism” (the nationalist discourses during the outbreak) in Taiwan. First, Taiwanese professional baseball games, as well as the relative success in controlling the spread of coronavirus, were regarded as a national glory during the pandemic. Related news reports in foreign media and tweets from foreign baseball commentators were evidences that “the whole world was watching Taiwan.” Moreover, the debate of renaming the CPBL reflected the conflicting national identities within Taiwan society. Furthermore, the nationalist discourses duplicated the world system of baseball modeled after professional baseball leagues in the U.S. and in Japan. The nationalist discourses in Taiwan during the pandemic, which emphasized the CPBL games, the pandemic management as the national glory, and the world’s recognition of Taiwan, were distinctively different from racism and xenophobia observed in many other countries during this global public health crisis.   |