Are Legumes Doing Their Job? The Effect of Herbicides on N2 Fixation in Southern Australian Agricultural Systems

Autor: Elizabeth A Drew, Vadakattu V. S. R. Gupta, David K. Roget
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: Biological Nitrogen Fixation, Sustainable Agriculture and the Environment ISBN: 9781402035692
Popis: Introduction Grain and pasture legumes are an integral part of cropping systems in southern Australia. They can (i) act as a break crop for cereal root diseases, (ii) offer an opportunity to control grass weeds through the use of herbicides and (iii) increase soil nitrogen (N). The culmination of these benefits generally results in improved cereal yields following a legume crop (Khan et al. 2003). However, in the dryland farming regions of southern Australia (the Mallee), legumes have failed to provide the ‘expected’ N benefits, due primarily to low N2 fixation (about 25% that of expected) (Gupta, V.V.S.R., CSIRO, personal communication). The aim of this research was to determine if recommended post-emergent herbicides affect the legume-rhizobia symbiosis, and thereby the soil N balance.
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