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This article presents the principal characteristics and problems that arise from study of the poetic language of the medieval Catalan tradition; it comments on some interesting cases in order to observe language use and evolution. What is unknown about Occitan as a poetic language must be articulated starting with the troubadour period, with regard to the troubadours' linguistic consciousness and the purpose of the first poetic treatises. The examples studied (Cerveri de Girona, Ramon Llull, Ramon Muntaner, and the verse-narrative corpus) fall within the context of the maintenance of the poetic use of Occitan in a multilingual culture. Along these lines, a study of the poetic language of medieval Catalonia is also consequential for understanding two important phenomena in late medieval Romance culture: the diffusion of the verse-narrative model and the tradition of vernacular poetic treatises. Resume: Aquest article exposa els principals problemes i aspectes a l'hora d'estudiar la llengua poetica de la tradicio catalana medieval i comenta alguns casos interessants per observar-ne l'us i l'evolucio. Les incognites sobre l'occita com a llengua poetica s'han de formular ja des de l'epoca trobadoresca, en relacio a la consciencia linguistica dels trobadors i a la finalitat dels primers tractats poetics. Els exemples examinats (Cerveri de Girona, Ramon Llull, Ramon Muntaner i el corpus de narrativa en vers) incideixen en el context de conservacio de l'us poetic de l'occita dins d'una cultura multilingue. Seguint aquestes linies, un estudi de la llengua poetica a la Catalunya medieval repercuteix tambe en dos elements importants per a la cultura romanica tardomedieval: la difusio del model de la narrativa en vers i la tradicio de tractats poetics vernacles. |