The Fuel Mix Limits and Efficiency of a Stoichiometric, Ammonia, and Gasoline Dual Fueled Spark Ignition Engine

Autor: Shawn M. Grannell, Donald E. Gillespie, Stanislav V. Bohac, Dennis N. Assanis
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power. 130
ISSN: 1528-8919
DOI: 10.1115/1.2898837
Popis: An overall stoichiometric mixture of air, gaseous ammonia, and gasoline was metered into a single cylinder, variable compression ratio, supercharged cooperative fuel research (CFR) engine at varying ratios of gasoline to ammonia. The engine was operated such that the combustion was knock-free with minimal roughness for all loads ranging from idle up to a maximum load in the supercharge regime. For a given load, speed, and compression ratio, there was a range of ratios of gasoline to ammonia for which knockfree, smooth firing was obtained. This range was investigated at its rough limit and also at its maximum brake torque (MBT) knock limit. If too much ammonia was used, then the engine fired with an excessive roughness. If too much gasoline was used, then knock-free combustion could not be obtained while the maximum brake torque spark timing was maintained. Stoichiometric operation on gasoline alone is also presented, for comparison. It was found that a significant fraction of the gasoline used in spark ignition engines could be replaced with ammonia. Operation on about 100% gasoline was required at idle. However, a fuel mix comprising 70% ammonia/30% gasoline on an energy basis could be used at normally aspirated, wide open throttle. Even greater ammonia to gasoline ratios were permitted for supercharged operation. The use of ammonia with gasoline allowed knock-free operation with MBT spark timing at higher compression ratios and higher loads than could be obtained with the use of gasoline alone. DOI: 10.1115/1.2898837
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