Multimedia Effectiveness in an AAC Preservice Setting

Autor: Rita L. Bailey, Phil Parette, Ann R. Beck
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: Journal of Special Education Technology. 20:39-49
ISSN: 2381-3121
DOI: 10.1177/016264340502000405
Popis: This study investigated the effectiveness of the CD, Families, Culture and AAC, as a culturally sensitive teaching tool for students enrolled in a speech-language pathology AAC course. Students enrolled in the course were divided into three learning format groups that (a) viewed the CD and engaged in learning challenges independently, (b) viewed the CD in class, and (c) had lecture only. Students took objective pre-post tests and also answered essay questions over the material after it was presented. Results indicated that the independent group made significantly smaller gains in pretest-posttest scores related to cultural content than did either the in-class viewing or the lecture group. No significant differences were found by learning group to answers to essay questions. Results are discussed and suggestions are given for appropriate classroom use of the CD.
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