Alternative Volumetric-Planning Decisions Of Building Pig Breeding Premises Of Pedigree Enterprises To 100 Basic Sows

Autor: S. Yu. Smyslov, M. P. Sokyrko, V. M. Voloshchuk
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Naukovì dopovìdì Nacìonalʹnogo unìversitetu bìoresursiv ì prirodokoristuvannâ Ukraïni.
ISSN: 2223-1609
DOI: 10.31548/dopovidi2017.02.014
Popis: At using the seasonally-tour technology of pork production takes place easel inefficient using machinery area, breeding live-stock and feeds. There is a need to transfer pig breeding pedigree enterprises from the tour on streaming system of receiving farrowing. In order to reduce costs in the production of pig products there is need to introduce modern, efficient technologies. For further development of pig breeding it was offered the use of new efficient types of building pig farms with the introduction of energy-and resource saving technologies of housing pigs. Based on this it is presented the new design and technological and volumetric-planning decisions of building pig complex of mono-block construction type with production of pedigree and commodity products of pig breeding products on 2000 pigs. Studies have shown that the use of mono-block construction type, compared with pavilion, allows on 1,5 times reduce the total area and building volume of pig farms, to increase on 48% output of products on 1m 2 of production area, on 66% - per employee, 0,23t on the basic sow. Thus, using new approaches and modern materials during building and operation of the complex can increase the rate of resistance of heat giving from exterior walls of production premises on 14%, 10% of the roof and windows on 75% at reducing overall energy consumption of object on 33%. The design and technological and volumetric-planning decisions which are offered for the production with complex use of new means of lighting, ventilation, manure removal and machinery equipment allow to confirm that it is created a project of high-technological pig farm that can be introduced for receiving competitive products of pig breeding.
Databáze: OpenAIRE