Differential effects of Self-initiation on Working Memory versus Short term memory

Autor: Guerra, Ernesto, Loyola-Navarro, Rocío
Rok vydání: 2023
DOI: 10.17605/osf.io/np98d
Popis: We have previously shown that self-initiation improves accuracy in visual Short Term Memory (STM) (Loyola-Navarro et al., 2021). Nevertheless, we don't know if these results are generalizable to Working Memory (WM) tasks, since our previous design has little ecological validity, and thus our results are not easily generalizable. Besides, it is not clear whether this effect is multimodal, or if it is specific to the visual domain. To prove if self-initiation improves STM and WM, we will recruit undergrade students and ask them to engage in two Digit Span experiments with varying initiation styles (i.e. encoding). We designed two initiation styles: Automatic (Auto) and Self-initiated presentation. Auto consisted of the automatic presentation of the digits, 550 ms after a cue. Self-initiated consisted of the presentation of the digits 550 ms after the subject pressed the spacebar. To asses the multimodality of the effect, stimulus will be presented in the visual and auditory modality. Experiment 1 will assess the efects of initiation styles and sensory modality using a Forward Digit Span task, while in Experiment 2 we will use a Backward Digit Span task. The experiments will involve a 2x2 factorial repeated measures design. We will assess the effects of self-initiation and sensory modalities on Accuracy (proportion of correct answers) and Response times using two Generalized Linear Mixed Models per experiment. Pilot data retrieved from 19 undergraduate students shows no effect of initiation style nor modality on Forward Digit Span Accuracy, while an effect of initiation style on Backward Digit Span Acurracy in the visual modality only.
Databáze: OpenAIRE