Crystal Lattice and Carriers Hall Mobility Relaxation Processes in Si Crystal Irradiated by Soft X-rays

Autor: A. Mekys, A.J. Janavičius, S. Balakauskas, R. Purlys, J. Storasta, Ž. Norgėla
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: Acta Physica Polonica A. 112:55-68
ISSN: 1898-794X
Popis: We applied soft X-rays for investigation of dynamics of the Frenkel point defects in a Si crystal during its saturation with metastable vacancies with neighboring Si atoms in excited states produced in the lattice after ejection of the Auger electrons. The irradiated irregularities and defects of the lattice cause a change of the Bragg reflection maxima. Several resonance phenomena are related to metastable states introduced into Si crystal by soft X-rays irradiation. The resonance of mean square displacements of Si atoms in the lattice and the resonance of the Hall mobility after irradiation are obtained and considered.
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