Observation of Near-Bottom Current on the Continental Shelf Off Sanriku

Autor: Daigo Yanagimoto, Hajime Nishigaki, Miho Ishizu, Kiyoshi Tanaka, Shinzou Fujio
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Oceanography Challenges to Future Earth ISBN: 9783030001377
Popis: We measured current velocity sections including near-bottom current within 10-m range above the bottom about 100-m depth off Otsuchi Bay with using a subsurface towfish mounting an acoustic Doppler current profiler. Four-time navigating observations showed the transition of the current distribution through flood tide. The near-bottom current has smaller spatial scales than the upper currents and its temporal variation is not in phase with tidal current which has a baroclinic structure in the upper layers. We did not find organized near-bottom current widely perhaps due to absence of the bottom boundary layer.
Databáze: OpenAIRE