Community, Democracy, and Immigration

Autor: Christopher Heath Wellman
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Political Philosophy, Here and Now ISBN: 019880783X
Popis: This chapter seeks to defend David Miller’s approach to immigration in relation to that of Joseph Carens. Miller has critiqued arguments in favour of open borders and argued in favour of a state’s right to limit immigration. Carens’s work opposes Miller’s arguments, contesting the degree of discretion that states have over migration and giving a positive case in favour of open borders. Wellman argues that Miller’s account has the resources to resist Carens’s conclusions, depending on whether we are in the business of articulating principles to govern the existing world or an alternative, reformed reality. The chapter argues that Miller’s account is more plausible in both contexts: if we assume the status quo, then Miller’s concerns as to the costs of unrestricted free movement seem well grounded; but if we presume a significantly revised economic order, then Carens’s appeal to freedom of movement loses a good deal of its force.
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