Controllable Amplification of Entanglement for Two Qutrits under Decoherence

Autor: Xiao-Yao Xie, Qiang Zheng, Qi-Jun Zhi, Zhongzhou Ren
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Communications in Theoretical Physics. 55:569-572
ISSN: 0253-6102
Popis: Entanglement dynamics of a two-qutrit Heisenberg spin chain with the external magnetic fields and DM interaction under the intrinsic decoherence is investigated. Depending on whether there is inhomogeneous magnetic field, the entanglement amplification, i.e. the phenomenon that the finally stable entanglement is bigger than that of the initial one, is found for one kind of initial states. The reasons for the controllable entanglement amplification are discussed.
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