Generative models for capturing and exploiting the influence of process conditions on process curves

Autor: Norbert Link, Tarek Iraki
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing. 33:473-492
ISSN: 1572-8145
Popis: Variations of dedicated process conditions (such as workpiece and tool properties) yield different process state evolutions, which are reflected by different time series of the observable quantities (process curves). A novel method is presented, which firstly allows to extract the statistical influence of these conditions on the process curves and its representation via generative models, and secondly represents their influence on the ensemble of curves by transformations of the representation space. A latent variable space is derived from sampled process data, which represents the curves with only few features. Generative models are formed based on conditional propability functions estimated in this space. Furthermore, the influence of conditions on the ensemble of process curves is represented by estimated transformations of the feature space, which map the process curve densities with different conditions on each other. The latent space is formed via Multi-Task-Learning of an auto-encoder and condition-detectors. The latter classifies the latent space representations of the process curves into the considered conditions. The Bayes framework and the Multi-task Learning models are used to obtain the process curve probabilty densities from the latent space densities. The methods are shown to reveal and represent the influence of combinations of workpiece and tool properties on resistance spot welding process curves.
Databáze: OpenAIRE