High speed interconnect crosstalk characterization for next generation servers

Autor: Gowri Anand, Sanjay Kumar, Vijendera Kumar, Bhyrav M. Mutnury, Mallikarjun Vasa
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: 2016 International Conference on ElectroMagnetic Interference & Compatibility (INCEMIC).
Popis: High-speed server design is becoming challenging with the increase of data transfer rates in high-speed serial I/O interconnections. As the data rates go beyond 25 Gbps, the interference resulted from frequency dependent losses and reflection noises substantially deteriorates the channel bandwidth and even the system performance. The need to understand the effects caused by board layout, connectors, cables, transmitter and receiver packages and other parasitics is more important than ever. Modeling and analysis of such effects can mitigate the expensive alternate packaging options to achieve the same performance. This paper addresses the sensitivity of the routing imperfections on a channel for data rates up to 40 Gbps. The physical geometry of imperfections are tuned to achieve the desired margins, hence reducing the crosstalk on the overall performance of a system.
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