Factors Influencing Gestational Age at Booking at The University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital South-South Nigeria

Autor: Inye Korubo, Ngozi Orazulike, Israel Jeremiah
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: International Journal of TROPICAL DISEASE & Health. 6:52-57
ISSN: 2278-1005
Popis: Aim: To assess the factors influencing registration for antenatal care in Nigerian pregnant women. Study Design: A cross-sectional study. Place and Duration of Study: The antenatal clinic of the department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital from January 2013 to June 2013. Methodology: A cross-sectional study involving 600 pregnant women attending the booking visit at the antenatal clinic in UPTH from January 2013 to June 2013 was undertaken using an interviewer administered structured questionnaire. Data management was done using Epi InfoTM 7.1.4 statistical software. Results: The mean gestation age at first antenatal attendance was 18.7±6 weeks. Only 133 women (22%) booked before 14 weeks gestation, most of these (89.5%) were primigravidae. Original Research Article Jeremiah et al.; IJTDH, 6(2): 52-57, 2015; Article no.IJTDH.2015.038 53 Majority of the women [409(68%)] had their first visit between 14 weeks and 28 weeks. Primigravida were significantly more likely to book early in pregnancy (p=0.01). Age and educational status did not appear to influence the gestational age at booking. Distance of residence from the hospital also affected the gestational age at booking as those residing more than 10 km from the hospital were significantly less likely to register early (p=0.03). However availability of funds was a major determinant of when a pregnant would register for antenatal care. Conclusion: Majority of our women register for antenatal care later in pregnancy than the prescribed first trimester due to poverty.
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