JPL GRACE and GRACE-FO Level-2 Overview

Autor: David Wiese, Dah-Ning Yuan, Christopher McCullough, Eugene Fahnestock, Matthias Ellmer, Athina Peidou, Da Kuang, Felix Landerer, Carmen Blackwood
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: This talk will provide a status update on Level-2 data processing at JPL. Included will be an overview of data products currently delivered to the community, including gravity fields with the updated accelerometer transplant product. Assessments of data quality and error levels, along with detailed discussions of the solution strategy will be included. A comparison of LRI and KBR gravity fields will be provided.. A look towards an RL07 reprocessing of GRACE and GRACE-FO will additionally be provided. The reprocessing plans to incorporate the estimation of a full noise covariance model of the satellite observations in the gravity estimates. Preliminary results incorporating this strategy will be shown and discussed.
Databáze: OpenAIRE