An economic analysis of shipping costs related to potential measures to manage the co-occurrence of maritime vessel traffic and whales in the Channel Islands region

Autor: Gonyo, Sarah, Goedeke, Theresa L., Jeffrey, Christopher Francis, 1965, Poti, Matthew, Dorfman, Dan S., Gorstein, M. ǂq (Matthew)
Rok vydání: 2017
DOI: 10.7289/v5/tm-nos-nccos-226
Popis: This report provides findings from an analysis and evaluation of the economic effects of potential measures to manage the co-occurrence of shipping traffic and whales in the Channel Islands region off the coast of California. These potential management measures are part of one of two different approaches developed by members of the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary (CINMS) Advisory Council Marine Shipping Working Group (MSWG) one technology-based and the other spatial-management-based (Figure 0.11 ). Both approaches received partial support from MSWG members, although components exist within the approaches that were broadly supported, as well. The spatial management approach has multiple components that the MSWG contributors feel have merit individually as well as in combination with one another.
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